When life as we know it is flipped upside down, we struggle to make sense of it all. Why would a good God allow this to happen? Hi, I’m Sherrie Pilkington, your host of Finding God In Our Pain. In 2018, when I unexpectedly lost my husband of 32 years, questions erupted out of my deepest despair. Since then, I’ve continued to search the heart of God for what He has to say about pain and suffering. In this podcast we’ll discover how God enters into our pain, shepherds us through our darkest valleys, and leads us to green pastures once again. I’ll bring you firsthand stories from women who allow us into their authentic struggles, along with professional advice from experts, counselors, and others who can help us navigate pain. Join me, as we discover God’s answers to the deepest cries of our shattered hearts.
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Kevin Horath - Living with a Hardened Heart
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Kevin Horath - Living with a Hardened Heart
Author and Pastor Kevin Horath and I talk about a hardened heart. Not a physical condition but a spiritual one. He’s written several books but the one we focus on is The Pharaoh Factor - Living with a Hardened Heart. If you know the story, Pharaoh hardens his heart toward God, but what does that mean for us today? How does one acquire a hardened heart? How do we know if we have a hardened heart?
Kevin and I both dug around in our own personal stories of what it looked like in each of our specific situations of having a hardened heart. How did we get there and what does recovery look like? And just as important, we cover the question of how do we keep our hearts soft and teachable so that we don’t return to an isolated, fearful, self-sustaining condition? A condition that I personally know is exhausting, frustrating and it’s definitely lonely.
I marvel at the contradictions of this life in comparison to the things that have spiritual value, specifically God’s spiritual value. Here are a few examples of what I’m talking about.
When things are the most painful, the beauty of what God has for us on the other side, the healing, it is something that we couldn’t think to ask for. He wastes nothing and He redeems everything.
When we submit ourselves, our situations to God, lay down things, in God’s value system we get better than we had, better than we deserve. It’s not simply restored to what it use to be. Rather we’re given what God Himself has for us. And of course the ultimate example of submission is when Christ said, "It is finished." Sounds like the final conclusion, end of story, it’s over. And yet, it was just the beginning for us. New life, direct access to God, salvation, eternal life, heaven on earth, and so much more.
Another example is when we leave our old self behind (accepting Christ’s work on the cross), we gain direct access to our Creator. Direct access gives us the opportunity to activate an intimate relationship with God and get to discover who God created us to be at our origin, when He knit us together in our Mother’s womb. We get to put on, wear, walk-in God’s original creation for us. We fulfill our purpose, our calling with joy no matter our circumstance. Free to live above the limitations, pain and brokenness of this world.
My final example….when fear is most terrifying, whatever area that may be, whatever form that takes on … behind that fear is a revelation, a truth about God and therefore a freedom for us to experience. The God of the Holy Bible is not the god of fear. Fear, chaos, confusion that’s the presence of your enemy.
For example, your fear could actually be blocking knowledge of your gifting or clarity about your purpose. Satan does not want you to make a breakthrough because he can’t afford for you know who you are, for you to bring forth the message God has appointed to you, at this time in your generation.
So my point being, don’t let this brief conversation between Kevin and I, about familiar scriptures, disciplines and God’s truths pass you by. Draw in a little closer and ask Holy Spirit to speak to your heart and reveal any areas of your heart that may be hardened. Ask to reveal His truth so you can experience the freedom that He has for you.
Ezekiel 36:26 is a promise from God to you and I. It says, "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you, your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh."
Why would He make this promise to us? Because, a heart of stone is only as far away as the next painful situation, trigger about past trauma, or when you hear words that strike deep in your heart, when you get what you feel, is an external confirmation of your internal voice.
When we don’t take the painful places of this life captive to Christ, hold them up to God’s truth and let Him give us clarity with His value system, we will harden our hearts to the things we have no control over, no context for and no understanding of our identity.
Despite the pain of this life, which we all know revolves around family, friends and relationships in general. It all comes back to relationship. It’s the core of our existence because we were created for relationship. For that reason alone, it’s worth being alive to and not dead to it … even though alive. With Christ, He rewrites all the evil this world dishes out, giving our soft tender heart a safe place to thrive despite the presence and in the very midst of pain and suffering. That’s His speciality.
Live Loved and Thrive! @alifeofthrive.com
Connect with Kevin:
IG: thefactorbooks
FB: The Factor Books
Website: TheFactorBooks.com
Author Kevin P. Horath is a dynamic speaker and teacher who has served as Associate Pastor for Hillside Bethel Tabernacle since 1997 as well as working as a healthcare human resources executive for over 27 years. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management from the University of Illinois at Springfield.
Kevin lives in Decatur, Illinois, with his wife, Kathy. They have three children, three grandchildren, two dogs, and one cat. In their free time, Kevin and Kathy love to sail on Lake Decatur.
His goal is to help others find a spiritually healthy approach to life through the realistic, practical application of biblical stories, characters, and principles.
Transcript: https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/e023aefe34da4b418c7c8463937b34d5/edit_v2
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
John Jarman -Broken and Redeemed
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
John Jarman - Broken and Redeemed
The conversation with my guest today, John Jarman, the Author of Broken and Redeemed was a welcomed reminder of the beauty of redemption.
I can’t think of anyone who has been able to avoid the broken parts of this life. I think we all get it, that at some point we will be handed difficult obstacles, painful life experiences and overwhelming grief. At times, it comes from other people in their brokenness and sometimes it’s our brokenness that affects others. Especially the ones we love most. John is one of us, familiar with how tough life can be, well aware of how this world wants to weigh you down with guilt, shame and lies.
John is a former football coach and marine. He’s currently a professional fitness coach and discipleship leader. As he and I were talking I took a close look at the contrast of this man’s man partnered with a tender heart for the things of God.
John has given me a short answer to some very tough questions…questions along the line of, "How do I find freedom or a renewed life?" "How can I know truth or find peace? I’m going to answer, abiding….in Christ. John uses that term several times. Abiding means enduring, continuing, unceasing. So abiding in Christ is how we bring heaven to us in the here and now.
Since the ebb and flow of this life is sure to bring pain and suffering then maybe the question we should be asking is, "How do we redeem it?" And I think John’s book Broken and Redeemed is a perfect example of how we can overlay what he’s learned onto our own lives and we too, can walk in intimacy and freedom in Christ.
John’s story is a reminder for us that when we step through the gate, the door, Christ, (making what he did on the cross personal for us), we get direct access to God Himself. We are positioned to discover directly from our Creator, how He made us in His image when He knit us together in our mother’s womb.
We get to participate in God’s love story with us. We get to experience what being an overcomer is like. We overcome our circumstance, our pain is redeemed, we receive deeper revelation of God’s heart for us, we grow in intimacy with the God, and His truth sets us free. Where there is truth there is freedom, and when we dwell in freedom we receive peace. All the while we’re building trust in God.
You can’t force trust. Trust doesn’t come until there’s a trial. We test God in our pain, and with our questions and confusion and we find Him faithful.
This life dishes out its weak, temporary value system but when we submit our broken things to God and let Him take over, He restores, heals and makes broken things whole. The beauty of God's restoration vs us pulling up our boot straps and making it happen is that it’s not simply restored to the way it was. It’s restored to the original plan. The plan God had for us before the foundations of the earth were laid, before we were impacted with imperfection and evil.
As you listen to John talk about how he overcame, let the beauty (and by beauty I mean strength and power) of submission and humility be revealed to you in a whole new way.
Lived Loved and Thrive! @alifothrive.com
Connect with John:
https://brokenandredeemed.com/products/broken-redeemed-paper/ (you can get it autographed when you order through John's website)
John Jarman is a professional fitness coach and men’s discipleship leader with a passion for seeing lives changed by Jesus Christ. A former football coach and Marine Corps veteran of Desert Storm, John’s life was radically transformed from a self destructive trajectory to one of life, wholeness, and a dynamic walk with Christ, a story that is told in the pages of Broken and Redeemed. John holds a Master's Degree in Physical Education from Ohio University, and, as of this writing, is close to completing a Master's degree in Theology from Faith Seminary in Tacoma, Washington where he resides.
Transcript: https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/b21b8b1347174007984799c0e6f8cd31/edit_v2
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Dr. Kelli Palfy - Healing for Male Sexual Abuse Survivors
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Dr. Kelli Palfy - Healing for Male Sexual Abuse Survivors
There is healing for male sexual abuse survivors. Dr. Kelli Palfy, is a registered psychologist working in private practice in Edmonton, AB. Canada. Of the many ways she helps to bring healing into the lives of her clients there was one aspect that I wanted to bring to my listeners today and that is the ignored topic of male survivors of adult or childhood sexual abuse.
What are signs that a wife might need to be aware of should her husband be a survivor of sexual abuse. How can she protect her sons (and ultimately her daughters too) from sexual abuse…especially since the statistics show 95% of sexual abuse is perpetrated by a family member, someone you trust, someone who has gained the trust of your child.
For the first 20-25 minutes, Kelli and I talk about her journey to her Ph.d in psychology. Why the interest in helping men find wholeness and healing after sexual abuse? Granted that is not her only focus in her practice but after hearing her story I could see why she could relate.
Not only from her own hesitation to find help for the merciless bullying she endured in her work environment but what she saw day in and day out as she served her community as part of the Royal Mounted Canadian Police.
Below you'll see some resources listed. Also, on Dr. Palfy’s website she has a Resource link on which you’ll find educational videos. There are personal stories of abuse and healing, how PTSD relates to sexual trauma, the truth about unwanted arousal and several more.
Dr. Palfy does not side step the uncomfortable issue, the tough questions, nor does she avoid addressing the internal struggle.
Wives, if you feel that your husband is showing some of the signs that Dr. Palfy talks about, take your concerns directly to God because no one knows your husband better than God. No one knows the details of his life, any traumas that may have occurred or the way he's tried to process them. You're looking for direction, support and how to bridge the conversation (should there be a need for one). Don't hesitate to reach out to professionals for guidance as well.
Maybe you can’t identify the signs that Dr. Palfy gives but you know smoothing is wrong, possibly there’s a disconnect of intimacy. To be honest, trauma manifests in a variety of ways, some very unique. Listen to the story that Dr. Palfy shares about the man who begins to limp and it grows worse.
But in either situation, whether it's for your husband or another family member, (son or daughter), educate yourself and consult the Lord for clarity and understanding. Ask God to prepare your husband’s heart for the conversation, if he has indeed ever experienced or is experiencing any type of sexual abuse.
If you are led to be the first one to verbalize what you suspect, have courage. You are in a unique position to usher in healing for your husband, to lift a weight you have no idea the heaviness of it all. Ultimately, you win and your family wins because the head of your household is walking in wholeness and healing. You want to talk about a whole new level of connectedness with your spouse!
It’s the desire of my heart that we all take God up on His ability to bring healing and wholeness into our lives and restore our hearts.
Lived Loved and Thrive! @alifeofthrive.com
Book: Willful Blindness, Margaret Heffernan
1in6.org - Confidential non-profit for Sexual Abuse & Assault of Boys and Men
malesurvivor.org- Hope, Healing & Support for men from all walks of life
Dr. Robert Marshall -https://www.roberthmarshall.com
Dr. Kelli Palfy: https://kellipalfy.com/Default.aspx
Transcript: https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/05404e1ca8c24d0a9b0d81c76727f56e/edit_v2
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Amy Nordhues - Sexual Abuse by a Mental Health Professional
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Amy Nordhues - Sexual Abuse by a Mental Health Professional
It is my prayer that today’s conversation with adult sexual abuse survivor Amy Nordhues will strengthen your heart in countless ways. Amy's abuse was at the hands of an older gentleman, trusted by the community as well as the church and he was also a mental health professional.
Amy had the heavy burden of experiencing abuse both in her childhood and as this story indicates, an adult. Can childhood abuse set you up to be an easy target as an adult? Amy answers that question and many more with transparency and a genuine desire to give the abused a voice.
As we talked I could see countless ways the devil was focused on destroying her. From her childhood abuse, where she didn’t have any control over what happened to her to the professional help that at first feels like, she describes it, a sanctuary but then becomes a psychological prison.
She gives examples of the subtle ways her Doctor broke down barriers and Amy’s internal dialogue that silenced the alarms that were going off in her head. Her candor was refreshing as she didn't side step any questions and gave authentic answers even if they weren't the type that seem appropriate, canned answer most people expect.
Satan may have tried to shut down Amy’s heart, to silence her voice, and keep her from ever discovering who she was in Christ …. but he failed.
Amy is a solid Christ follower. She’s found healing for her abuse, victory over her abusers and whenever Satan feels the desire to take a swing at her over her past, she already has the tools in place to triumph over anything evil tries to put on her.
She knows the One who is our ultimate Healer, Christ. He’s the only One who holds the restoration of our mind, body and heart and He works it all together for our good and His glory.
Need a little encouragement for your heart today, listen in to Amy’s story of courage to report her abuser and face the backlash from those who did not believe her.
Amy’s courage now to share her story both in this podcast and through her book, Preyed Upon, Breaking Free from Professional Abuse gives you an inside look at the warped beliefs that early abuse instills, beliefs that make adult victims vulnerable to sexual predators and what it looks like to walk in victory.
If you are in an abusive situation or if you've experienced sexual abuse, Amy is speaking directly to you and your heart will find a kindred spirit. May you remember that you are not alone.
Live Loved and Thrive! @alifeofthrive.com
For more encouragement, read: https://alifeofthrive.com/2021/07/27/adaptive/
Connect with Amy:
Bio: Amy Nordhues is a survivor of both childhood sexual abuse and sexual abuse as an adult at the hands of a mental health professional. She is a passionate Christ-follower and expert on the healing God provides. She has a BA in psychology with minors in sociology and criminology. Her devotions have been published in The Secret Place (Judson Press) devotional series. Her essay, Give Me a Sign, won 2nd place at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference Foundation Awards. Her memoir, Prayed Upon, won the Inspire Christian Writers’ “Great Openings” contest for non-fiction. She blogs at www.amynordhues.com. A married mother of three, she enjoys spending time with family, writing, reading, photography, and all things comedy.
Transcript: https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/ed9d17903df94ae3a6d870cfb81caeea/edit_v2
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Kevin White - In the Presence of God
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Kevin White - In the Presence of God:
Where or who do you turn to when times get tough? If you're a Christian then you immediately turn your focus to the presence of God. Our conversation today focuses on getting to the point with regard to the plan and purpose of our Christian faith which is pursuing the presence of God. Without the presence of God we are merely another religion.
Our salvation is the first step and it gives us direct access to God. Our worship, our prayers, our service etc should usher us into His presence.
It always has been and will always be about our personal, intimate, one-on-one relationship with Christ. If we enter into salvation but never grow in intimacy with Christ, how will we ever be able to claim our rightful place as the bride? I mean, we wouldn't even know our Groom.
My guest, Author Kevin White and I boil it down for you as we talk about his newest book, Getting to the Point: Every Guidance or Provision You will Ever Need Can be Found Today in God’s Presence.
I want to repeat that….Every guidance. Every provision. You will ever need. Is found today. In God’s presence.
Sound way too easy? If so, let me ask you this, how much time do you spend with God developing your relationship with Him? Talking with Him and listening for His reply? Think about distractions or times when your mind isn’t settled. I spend time with God but a lot of times I don’t slow down enough to hear Him speak. So you know what I do then? I fill in the blanks of what I’m sure He would have said. Then I run out into the day with false information.
So If you are like me and are prone to distraction or lose your focus, then when my one-on-one time with the Lord is up, I realize that I didn’t even give God a chance to speak. Or maybe He did speak and I missed it!
So it's not too good to be true because it takes intention and discipline to give God your time and create a space where He can speak into our situations, heart, mind etc. We must intentionally slow down (to thoughtfully engage) and that in itself is a challenge.
And the reality is, it’s not easy but it’s so incredibly worth it. In the times when I rest in God’s presence, give Him that space to bring His sovereignty into my life, it’s a beautiful thing. My mind, heart and emotions get a good dose of peace, clarity and strength for the day ahead because He reveals Himself in a way that affords me provision and reveals His guidance.
Listen now as Kevin shares what he’s learned about getting to the point of our Christian faith and into the presence of God.
Live Loved and Thrive! @ alifeofthrive.com
Read more about God's intimacy for us at https://alifeofthrive.com/2022/01/11/god-2/
Learn more about Kevin and his work at https://kevinwhite.us or on his socials:
Facebook: Kevin White
Twitter: @kevinwhiteus
LinkedIn: Kevin White
Instagram: @kevinwhiteus
BIO: Kevin White is an international best-selling author, speaker and founder and Executive Director of Global Hope India. He has traveled over 1 millions miles and to 27 countries speaking on the point of Christianity. With the complications of today’s world, Kevin’s work simplifies and purifies the Christian experience to one fact: The point is to seek God’s presence and build a relationship with Him.
Transcript: https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/698afe02f9a64002a2cae43a8f1e672d/edit_v2
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Kisha Moore - Put Guilt, Shame, and Regret to Rest
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Kisha Moore - Put Guilt, Shame, and Regret to Rest
If you struggle with guilt, shame and regret this conversation is intended to give your heart rest. We’ll point you to the One who knew how hard something like this would be and therefore provided a place, actually Someone, The One to take our pain to and lay it down at His feet, the feet of Jesus. I have personally found Him to be the One, who makes it possible for me to lift my head under the weight of my mistakes.
In today’s episode, you’ll be privy to a typical conversation between my friend Kisha Moore and I. The topic is built around guilt, shame and regret.
What I loved about how our time together developed was that we included what it means (both how and why) to stay connected to God. I think it’s a fair assumption that when we are weighed down with guilt, shame and regret it puts a distance between us and the one whom we’ve let down and that includes when we let ourselves down. Who wants to spend time in the presence of the person whom you would never want to disappoint when in fact you have been less than you thought you were.
But because of the cross the very place we should go is into the presence of God. The reason is because the cross that He provided is the way to restore our peace. A way to ease our burdened heart.
There is one area of this topic that I wish we would have touched on and that is guilt with regard to the pain and suffering we have caused others. So I’ll add this quick thought. The way to make peace with that sort of pain is to process it with God, ask Him what did our actions mean, why did we do that. And part of healing is to take responsibility for your actions, decisions, words.
Off the top of my head, I think of apologizing (as a way to take responsibility) however, we have no control over the way someone responds to our apology. Truth be told, they may never agree to let us off the hook. Sadly, that also includes ourself as one not wanting to let us off the hook. Very few are as cruel to us as we are to ourselves.
As a mom of boys I remember trying to get blood out of their clothing. Was never successful no matter the cleaning product I used. Also, back in the day I worked for a polymer plant and I learned that red dye was the most potent color we had. Nothing would overtake the color red and it’s what I think about when it comes to the shed blood of Jesus on the cross.
While our sin harms us and others, ultimately our sin is against God and that’s why we go to God. We have the privilege of laying our guilt, shame and regret at the feet of Jesus, the only intercessor we need and let His crimson blood saturate our guilt and pain until His blood is all we see.
If you think this is too good to be true, an easy out, then I want to challenge you with two things.
First I want to challenge you to get real about taking responsibility for your sin and how it has affected you and other people. If you look your sin square in the eye, not giving yourself an out such as pointing to another person or an excuse then its not an easy task. It’s a tough thing to do but it's the first step in moving from victim to victor.
Secondly, take a look at what a crucification is, the purpose behind the sinless Lamb’s blood and the heart of the Father who provided a way for us to lift our head under the weight of our sin…in the here and now.
Transcript: https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/89cb763c9bac4d20bc1ffb2e05c86745/edit_v2
Connect with Kisha Moore:
FB: https://www.facebook.com/KSMILEY73
IG: https://www.instagram.com/thatgirlkissya/
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Donna Tashjian - Pregnant at 15, Unwed Teen Mom
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Donna Tashjian - Pregnant at 15, Single Mom
Donna Tashjain is the founder of Vibrant Living International a non-profit organization. She specializes in helping you turn your baggage into luggage (don't you just love that we can do that!?) so you can live the life of your dreams using and developing your spiritual intelligence.
I don’t think we give enough value to our spiritual intelligence but there’s a lot of wealth in that… And when I say wealth I’m not talking about money, I’m talking about rich understanding, deep knowledge, life changing revelation, restful peace, resonating joy, and all the beauty that comes with resting in God’s presence.
If anyone knows what it takes to be an overcomer, it’s Donna. Pregnant at 15 in a society and era that treated unwed mothers as disgusting or less than deserving was challenging enough. In addition to that, her family thought being tough on her was helpful in making her strong. All the complications of being 15, a pregnancy that was not of her will and raising a baby with the bare basics, Donna learned how to turn to God and depend on Him to come through for her as she navigated raising a baby with the bare basics.
In a this harsh environment, every dead end solution or brick wall she came to Donna experienced the value of leaning on God and learning who He wanted to be for her. With each meal on the table, every time the car started, a job, every act of protection and provision, Donna saw God’s hand and she let His faithfulness build her trust in Him.
Listen in and let Donna’s experience encourage your heart that you can never disappoint God.
And remember, keep your eyes on God because He’s writing a much bigger love story with you as the unique person He created you to be so that you can live loved and do more than survive, you can thrive!
Live Loved and Thrive! @alifeofthrive.com
Connect with Donna
iVibrantLiving.com - make sure to get her free E-Book
Social Media Connections:
Donna is the founder of Vibrant Living International a non-profit organization. She is also a Life Mastery Coach, an ordained minister, podcaster, and author. She helps bring accelerated transformation to people across the world. Her passion is to help you reach your full potential. She specializes in helping you turn your baggage into luggage so you can live the life of your dreams using and developing your spiritual intelligence. Donna has been speaking and coaching for over 20 years.
She has developed powerful programs and workshops to help you through life's transitions and challenges to achieve your goals or dreams. She says, “I will help you walk away from overwhelm, stress and self-doubt into peace and confidence, like a refreshing vacation for your body & soul.
She also produces a podcast is called “You Were Designed for Greatness” and has written 4 books.
Her clients say she has a knack for turning fear into excitement and exposing lies so the truth can shine through.
Transcript: https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/cd8313d5fbb24cd2ba6d76cc209bed42/edit_v2
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Joan Benson - Adoption of Older Children
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Joan Benson - Adopting Older Children
My guest Joan Benson met her husband David when they were 15 and 16 years old. They fell in love and dreamed of a big family. When infertility became their reality they turned to adoption. Their first 2 (separate) adoptions were infants, their son Shannon and daughter Kristie. They later adopted two older sons (separate adoptions), first was Larry and then Wiley.
Joan’s momma heart dreamed of leaving a legacy of love, compassion and trust. She imagined her and David growing old together, enjoying their grandchildren, watching their children work hard, be successful and live healthy, well adjusted lives.
Those dreams would be severely challenged when Joan realizes that she did not have the skillset that the two oldest sons would require. Not even her devoted love could reach the painful places of trauma that both Larry and Wiley had experienced prior to being folded into Joan and David’s family.
Just when things couldn’t be more crucial ... the boys struggling through their high school years, testosterone infused determination and emotional issues heaped on top ... the love of Joans life, David decides to leave the family for a younger woman. So much for the Christian family values that Joan had longed to give her children.
This conversation is but a shadow of all that Joan has endured and despite the complications and heartache Joan fully supports adopting older children. So much has changed for the better when it comes to the emotional and mental needs of traumatized children but her advice to educate oneself is still key to giving the adoption the best shot at success.
As you listen in, let your heart be reminded that we were once orphans or maybe we live with orphan heart belief patterns. But as God’s children, He is extravagantly, generously generous to us and we can never go so far that His love can’t cover us.
Live Loved and Thrive! @alifofthrive.com
Transcript: https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/e9b65a92e21847c9810f0e2e42506b3c/edit_v2
Connect with Joan:
Email: https://www.joancbenson.com/
Request Joan to speak at your next event, please contact her at bensonjj@verizon.net or by phone 757-567-4637.